Integrated Diagnostic Support System (IDSS)
"Digitizing the Maintainer's Slice of the Battlefield"
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The Integrated Diagnostics Support System (IDSS) is an Army Chief of Staff initiative which grew out of the Integrated Diagnostics Support Demonstration (IDSD) program that was conducted from 1993 through 1996 with extensive testing, using both CONUS PATRIOT units as well as OCONUS PATRIOT units as test beds. IDSS is a computer and communication oriented system that provides the PATRIOT Fire Unit (FU) increased diagnostic capabilities and access to system experts at remotely located sites, via organic PATRIOT tactical communications systems, satellite, or commercial communications. It is a tool that enhances any maintenance concept, and may be of particular use in enabling future maintenance support structures. IDSS contributes to decreased system Mean Time to Repair (MTTR) and has increased readiness. Testing and use of the system from 1997 to the present has substantiated these goals as being realistic. The IDSS philosophy is to maintain a weapon system utilizing advanced technology insertion to benefit the overall maintenance effort.
Computer Aided Procedures (CAPs) have simplified complex adjustments that IM personnel previously had to perform manually. By automating these manual tasks, the soldier is provided a simplified procedure that provides him the capability to utilize Test Measurement and Diagnostic Equipment (TMDE) he has not been trained on or is no longer familiar with due to the frequency of maintenance task requirements.
PATRIOT Interactive Electronic Technical Manuals (IETMs) are read using the Army's Interactive Authoring and Display System (IADS) application. Improved search functions under IDSS allow the soldier maintainer to access drawings, procedures, and other technical documentation manually.
During troubleshooting, waveforms, voltages, and/or other measurements can be captured and stored for future reference, or attached to maintenance reports such as the Outspot Report.
The capability to collect and transfer maintenance data is greatly improved. This improvement assists the expert in determining system failures and provides speedy solutions to complex problems.
The FU Local Area Network (LAN), in conjunction with the Software packages of IDSS, provides visibility of the maintenance activity to the maintenance personnel at the Battery Maintenance Center.