Integrated Diagnostic Support System (IDSS) "Digitizing the Maintainer's Slice of the Battlefield"

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The German ADIS (Automatisiertes Diagnose-und InstandsetzungsunterstützungsSystem) Program began a feasibility study in December 2000 to analyze the functions of IDSS for possible inclusion into ADIS. In August 2002, Germany presented their preliminary results of the feasibility study (completed in July 2002) to the IDSS International Joint Working Group in Huntsville, AL. Some of the data discussed during this meeting included unique hardware required, maintenance levels, and documentation. An excellent exchange of information took place. In October 2002, a delegation from the U.S. traveled to Germany to observe an ADIS demonstration. Germany and the U.S. continue to work together in order to provide data exchange needed to make improvements to both IDSS and ADIS.